Optimize your online identity.
When potential employers Google your name, what do they see?
Is it your Facebook listing? Your Flickr page? Or your outdated University-hosted personal page from college? Maybe no search results match you at all. In today’s job market, that’s not good enough.
The wrong information—or no information—won’t get you an interview.
Employers don’t want to see status updates of where you ate lunch or photos of your friends and pets: They want to see your résumé. They want to know what kind of vision, experience, and expertise you would bring to their company.
We create a professional web presence for you…and it costs under $100.
We make it easy for employers to find relevant information about you—information that you want them to see. You choose a template design and submit your biography, your résumé, and your contact information. We transform that information into a website that’s professional in both content and design.
The internet is a 24/7 publicist, so start marketing yourself today.
To discover exactly what we can do for you, view the full list of our services. Or, skip the tech specs and test drive our product by browsing our templates.